Pick a Plan that Works for Your Business

Everything you need to ensure your WordPress site is well looked after and performing as it should. Our support packages are designed to be flexible to meet the needs of most sites.

*Monthly Support Time: This can be used for adding/updating blog content, adding/updating products if you have an online shop or specific things like troubleshooting contact forms, adding new plugins and things of that nature. Support time amount (60min, 120min etc) doesn’t get carried over from month to month

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some questions that we get on a regular basis, so have a look around!

What do I need to provide in order to use your service?

WordPress Admin, FTP and cPanel access.

If you are unsure of how to provide us with those details go ahead and sign-up, we will be with you shortly to help get the access we need.

We take great care to ensure the security of your personal information, login credentials, and all other information we collect. Further reading can be found at our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

How do I pay?

Our Payment Gateway of choice is STRIPE which allows for any of the major credit cards to be accepted including Mastercard, Visa, Discover and American Express. Once you have signed up, your cards will be charged automatically each month until the time comes that you wish to cancel or upgrade your plan.

Can I cancel at anytime?

Yes, you can cancel within 30-days of your renewal date. You’re never required to stay with us – in fact, we’d prefer you have the option to leave if you’re unhappy with our service and give us feedback on how we can serve you better.

How do I request additional support and/or site customizations?

Simply submit a ticket in our ticketing system and a developer will be assigned as soon as posible to support your needs. We nearly halve our professional development rate for Maintainer clients, to $99/hour.
A few things our existing clients use their hour for:
• UI troubleshooting (HTML, CSS, Javascript)
• Styling elements with CSS
• Content Population & Image Manipulation
• Creation of basic graphics (e.g. buttons, banners, etc.)
• WordPress Consulting (pick our brains!)
• Optimization of CSS, Javascript and Images
• Theme & Plugin Audits
• Plugin installation and implementation

This discounted developer time is subject to review by WP Maintainer management. It cannot be used for full site re-designs, new projects or anything outside of the existing site’s domain/WordPress installation.
If you’re unsure or want to know before signing up, please contact us.

What happens if a plugin or theme update breaks my site?

If the site breaks and we can fix it immediately (an obvious or known issue) we will immediately fix the issue and send a notification to your account contact email address. If the fix is unknown or not immediate, we will roll the site back to the most recent backup (created before the update).

We will spend up to one (1) hour of time fixing/troubleshooting the issue – if we cannot fix within that time, we will give you a time/cost estimate and let you decide if you’d like us to move forward.

Still have questions?

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